We are located in 58 Farmington Ave, Farmington, CT
“The facility focuses on training elite athletes and on the rehabilitation of injured athletes through evidence-based physical therapy, essential principles of strength and conditioning, and nutrition coaching.
Relentless also uses cutting-edge computer assisted equipment, such as force plates and velocity trackers, to monitor recovery and improve performance. We can profile the athletes, look at speed of movements and different types of contractions that they might utilize. These are all things that we can take a look at to further enhance their training.”
Relentless Performance does not take insurance in order to provide the best quality of care to patients without wrestling with insurance companies for visit authorization, unnecessary documentation, and best of all you will only be working with one therapist for consistency.
With this model we are solely able to focus on patient perform
ance outcomes which means that our patients get real results.
We see a wide array of athletes including mostly team sport players like
soccer, lacrosse, basketball, football, and baseball.
Recently we have had an influx of individual sport athletes like golfers, tennis players, crossfit athletes, Olympic weightlifters, and Power lifters.
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